Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Ultimate Solution

The problem with this world is there are a lot of problems, and these problems are made by humans like drugs and alcohol, war, poverty and so many other things. They might blame it on someone else but the fact is they brought it to themselves. There is always a solution to a problem, its just people are preoccupied thinking too much about the problem and less time finding ways to end it. Needless to say we think about how worst our situations are and not about how we should get on our feet and start walking away from it.

There worst case is people with very problematic life, ends up taking too much drugs and alcohol because they think they could drown away their problems with it. Most of these people are teenagers with tremendous peer pressure and young adults who can’t find or maintain a stable job. They waste most of their time drinking beer and taking drugs with little or no regard to their health and most especially the people who care for them. With the total population who gets admitted at treatment centers, only half or less than that gets discharged and starts turning a new leaf, the remaining continues with their habit. It’s such a shame to find out somebody you really know that is hooked in this kinds of substances. We want to help them but in some ways we want to reach out to them but their minds are blocked from change.

The ultimate solution will only be coming from you. The first and the best help you can get is if you help yourself. Never let go of your goals in life whatever the obstacle is. If you’re on it already, try to change and show those who care about you that you are eager to change and they will be happy to help. Take the initiative to engage in treatment programs so you could ask assistance. And most of all, love yourself and never stop loving yourself.

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